Promoting faith-based secularism

Anand Krishna , Jakarta | Mon, 01/18/2010 10:44 AM | Opinion

When the British writer George Holyoake first used the term secularism in 1851, he likely had no idea that his brainchild would be so dreaded by so many prominent religious establishments.

In our country, the Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI) issued an edict on July 29, 2005, declaring as haram (forbidden in Islam) the idea of secularism, saying it was “opposed to the teachings of Islam”. (more…)

The voice in the wilderness

Anand Krishna & Gus Dur in One EarthAnand Krishna ,  Jakarta   |  Sat, 01/02/2010 12:58 PM  |  Opinion

The “voice” is gone. And we are left with wilderness.

Gus Dur, the voice that made the wilderness less terrifying, shall no longer be heard. His was the voice of hope, the voice that kept the flame of hope burning in many hearts. Alas, that voice is gone . And yet, on second thought, where can it go? The echo of each and every word he ever uttered shall remain here. Right here, with you and with me – with all of us. (more…)

Preserving and living the Balinese heritage

Balinese HeritageAnand Khrisna ,  Jakarta   |  Tue, 12/29/2009 9:07 AM  |  Opinion

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has chosen Bali as the pilot project for environmentally friendly tourism. Geoffrey Lipman, the UNWTO assistant secretary general, praised Bali for its local wisdom, and spoke of the need to apply it to meet actual challenges such as climate change. (more…)

Practical lesson from Melbourne Convention: God, men and pluralism

Anand Krishna ,  Jakarta   |  Mon, 12/21/2009 3:14 PM  |  Opinion

“You are lucky. A good hotel location, the city mosque is not far from your hotel, just walking distance,” Hassen, the maxi (not a taxi, because it could take six of us) driver greeted me as I was struggling to put on my seat belt.

Melbourne 2009 – and it was the second day of December.

What a change! I was in the city more than 20 years ago.

Then, as a businessman, and I do not remember being driven by a Hassen who would for the next half an hour brief me on the geography of the city, highlighting only such places related to the “religion of God”.

Hmm, “So, other religions are not *of’ God?”


Lessons of leadership: Why do our politicians fail?

Anand Krishna ,  Jakarta   |  Thu, 12/17/2009 8:59 AM  |  Opinion

In spite of their “purportedly” common vision toward a better and more livable world, our politicians have failed. Certainly not all of them were, or, are insincere.

Nevertheless, they have failed to deliver. Today, we live in a more comfortable, but not a “better” world. Conflicts and wars are tearing us apart – whereas, peace and harmony remain issues for discussion among our elites.
